This week is a totally tiring week. Life of sec4 sucks =x


All i remembered was boring lessons,and after school had CO till 6.30
Ate dinner alone-.-,my mum went to malaysia for 3 days.


Boring lessons,after school got CO again yay.
Then lsm pei me ate dinner,and her parents scolded her for being late.
Paiseh arh=p


After school,which ends at 4.45,i gotta stay back till 6+ to do AMATHS.
Actually its worth it,cos i sort of understand a little bit.


After school,AMATHS TEST. wtf,EOY paper dint come out.
YAY,fail again. ARGH. duno why i stayed back yesterday.


Got co again. Now i know how to play the G-diao part:)
It was raining monkeys and gorillas,so mr toh fetched us to cwp.
Then i took bus with lsm..n blablabla^^


I overslept! got geography at 8,and i woke up at 7-.-
Going there=wasting my time anyway,all i did was talk to adriel.
AT least i copied notes,adriel dint even bother lol.
Then after geo,i went to library alone.
Guess i was real bored,i read about UFOs,Atlantis,Egypt,Bermuda Triangle..etc etc
Left library at 12 n headed for bugis,alone :(
Then elishe woke me up at yishun.
She was with her bro and ah ma,i think.
If you ever wna go bugis to buy collar shirt,u will die finding.
Almost ALL of it looks the same-.-
i walked arnd for 2 hrs+,and bought 1 shirt,which looks like shit.

Then went home change,blabla.
Samuel wanted to meet me,i insisted i go alone=p
I went to my cousin's house first to take my pants,then i met up with the guys at downtown east.
waited awhile for adriel,samuel and phylisia to reach.
Rebecca's chalet is super small luh,i prefer the one we had last december.
We tv-ed awhile,then went to bbq.
Me n sam felt weird,like go bbq wear until like so formal.
cos that STUPID BLACKY CHUA wanna impress SOMEONE.
Then make sam n me wear until so formal-.-
The guys had a cup of beer,for melvin,its his first time.
Then we cut the cake,and took photos .
The girls went to sent teomin off,then me n ms drank a can.
We went to chalet and took a few cans,then watched tv again.

So later,the girls came in. Brian forgot to wear his pants properly! LOL.
They kept saying im drunk, IF i was,i wldnt rmb what to post now la-.-
Adriel's face was abit weird,the most "awake" one was sam,since he dint drank much.
We took the bus 3 to tamp,then 969 back to yishun.
After sending lsm home,i took taxi,again.
A gdbye *ahem*...COSTS ME 20BUCKS.
Fuck the midnight charge,so gay o.O

Happy birthday rebecca! :D

Upon hearing those words,my shirt shattered again ;'(

I stole yours =p


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